I signed up for a poetry class!!!

Yeah, that’s right. I just put down my money for it and everything.

I’m not really sure what to expect or what I’m exactly getting myself into (it’s an online college course, just as a side note)… but, that’s the exciting part!

I’ve never really invested much time into learning about poetry, writing poetry, or even reading poems ever in my life. The most I’ve ever done with poetry (other than making the mere 2 or 3 poems that I’ve recently posted on here) is the stuff I was told to do in high school English. Which… I really wasn’t into it back then. Unless you count songwriting as writing poetry… which, technically it is, but they’re two separate processes in my mind… then, I guess you could argue that I’m an avid poet. But I’m not going to argue that, because I don’t think it’s true.

So, anyway, why on Earth did I sign up for a poetry class, then? Well… by accident, like how most things happen in my life. You see… I wanted to sign up for an online psychology class for school this summer… but all the psychology classes were full. Just my luck, right? Well, then I decided I might as well see what other online classes were available for the summer. And then I saw that a creative writing class was available… and so was a poetry one. And I actually really wanted to take creative writing… but then I decided to be spontaneous, and I picked poetry over it.

I mean, life’s no fun if you can’t try new things, right?

Well, that’s my news. I just wanted to share it because… well, it seemed relevant. I’ll keep y’all posted on what it’s like and how it goes later, though, once I actually start it. Until then, though…


4 thoughts on “I signed up for a poetry class!!!

  1. Pingback: I wrote my first haiku! – iKariLynn

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